By Caroline Harroe (Harmless CEO)
Isolation and loneliness are both deeply personal and complex experiences that carry different meanings for different individuals. Although frequently used interchangeably, they do hold distinct connotations. Isolation can be described as a state of being separated from others, both physically and emotionally, while loneliness is the perceived sense of being alone, which can arise even when physically surrounded by others.
These experiences can bear a significant impact on an individual’s mental wellbeing and welfare. Prolonged isolation and loneliness can lead to feelings of worthlessness, depression and anxiety. These conditions, if unaddressed, can spiral down to even more severe mental health challenges including suicidal thoughts and actions.
For someone experiencing isolation, here are three recommendations:
• Reach out: Engage with friends, family or professional counsellors. Connection is vital in combating isolation.
• Keep active: Physical activities like regular exercise have been found to improve mood and reduce feelings of isolation.
• Volunteering: Engaging in altruistic activities can provide social connections and a sense of purpose.
For those reaching out to someone they believe needs help, here are three important steps:
• Be present: Spend time with them, physically or virtually. Simply being there can be powerful.
• Open conversation: Without pushing, encourage them to express their feelings and listen empathetically.
• Encourage professional help: Acknowledge your limitations; urge them to seek help from mental health professionals.
However, it’s essential to remember that every person’s experience is unique. Patience, respect, and kindness are key in addressing the complexities of isolation and loneliness.