A problem shared is a problem halved!

The theme for this years Stress Awareness Month is ‘Community’. This theme was chosen because a lack of support can lead to isolation, which in turn increases loneliness and stress. The last 2 years has had a detrimental impact on our lives, with social gatherings, working from home, and restrictions on our ability to travel and see family and friends all contributing to social isolation and stress. It also leads to an increased risk of self-harm and suicide.

Community spirit and support has been one thing that has increased during the pandemic. And now restrictions are ending, this community support needs to continue. Research has shown that isolation has a negative effect on mental health and wellbeing, including stress. By coming together as a community, there are opportunities to socialise, chat, and laugh with others. We are given the opportunity to share our problems and worries which can decrease our stress levels, and it can provide a welcome distraction from our thoughts.

A problem shared is a problem halved!

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