Book Now For Free Mental Health And Suicide Awareness Training In Nottinghamshire

As September comes to an end, we have so much to reflect on here at Harmless.  Some of you might be aware that on the 10th September, it was World Suicide Prevention Day.  Many people posted some really powerful stories of their experience around this difficult and emotive topic including friends, families and loved ones.  Additionally throughout September we have held the Suicide Berevement Conference: Surviving A Crisis. Tickets are still available and you can access pre-recorded sessions. 

Having read, and listened to so many experiences reminds us that it is more important than ever that we remember that Suicide Awareness is not just for one day.  Suicide is a significant national social issue in the United Kingdom. In 2019 there were 5,691 registered deaths by suicide in England and Wales, equating to an average of 18 suicides per day in the country. 

Knowing this, you might be wondering, “what can I do?”

That is exactly why we are here.  As well as the brilliant services and pathways that Harmless has to offer, we also have some upcoming training for those in Nottinghamshire. We know that education is a key factor when it comes to supporting anyone who is struggling. 

Nottinghamshire County Council have commissioned Harmless to deliver a range of Mental Health awareness and Suicide prevention accredited courses.  Dates are listed at the bottom of this post.

Book now if you would like learn the following:

  • Improve your knowledge and understanding of suicide
  • Awareness of myths and facts surrounding suicide
  • Recognise risk factors and warning signs for suicide
  • Develop an understanding of suicide and stigma
  • Recognise the wider impact of suicide
  • Identify effective risk assessing skills
  • Build skill and confidence in responding to and supporting someone in suicidal crisis
  • Recognise the importance of recovery and support, including ways of maintaining mental wellbeing
  • Discuss signposting individuals to appropriate, professional help

Please Note:

The Module 4 training is only for third sector workers in Nottinghamshire.

Modules 2&3 are for third sector workers as well as workers from other community hubs such as; pubs, restaurants, taxi firms, hair salons

Please share with those who may benefit.

October Dates:

Oct 5th – 9am – 1pm – Module 2 Mental Health & Suicide Awareness:

Oct 8th – 9.30am – 3.30pm – Module 4 Suicide Intervention

Oct 13th – 9am – 1pm – Module 3 Mental Health Intervention

Oct 14th – 9.30am – 3pm – Module 4 Suicide Intervention

Oct 18th – 9.30am – 3.30pm – Module 4 Suicide Intervention

Oct 26th – 9.30am – 3.30pm – Module 4 Suicide Intervention

Oct 26th – 1pm – 5pm – Module 3 Mental Health Intervention

We welcome you to these courses, and hope to see you there!

For any enquiries, please contact:

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