Children and young people’s stress

The Children’s Commissioner for England conducted a survey, exploring the stressors that children and young people experience. They asked just under 2,000 8-17-year-olds about stress, and here is how they responded:

  • 66% said that they felt most stress towards homework and exams. Coincidentally, this research was conducted at the same time as the coronavirus outbreak, and schools were beginning to close. This therefore, could have heightened the stress that children felt towards these things, due to the uncertainty surrounding their education and exams.
  • 39% said that they felt most stress towards worrying about what other people think of them.
  • 25% said that they felt most stress about bullying.
  • 21% said that they feel stressed about money and their parents’ jobs. With many jobs being affected by COVID-19, these issues may now be even more prominent for children. Additionally, as many people are now working from home, these jobs are being brought into children’s homes, potentially increasing their exposure to job-related stress.
  • Many children also mentioned that not being listened to, is a main cause of stress. Since this research has been conducted, there are many discussions about schools re-opening as part of the lift of lockdown, so it is important for children’s thoughts and opinions about this to be heard, as well as those of teachers, parents, and politicians.

This research has highlighted just a few issues that children and young people are dealing with at the moment. If you would like to read the whole article, it can be found via this link:

And finally, here are some services which may help with some of the stressors mentioned:

  • Samaritans: 24/7 listening support for anyone of all ages. Call 116 123, or email
  • Childline: Childline counsellors can be spoken to about anything on the phone or online, between 9am-midnight. This service is for anyone under the age of 19.
  • Exam Stress information from Young Minds:

And if stress levels are getting to be too much, resulting in feeling suicidal, please know that the Tomorrow Project is here for you. 0115 880 0282 /


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