Discrimination has no place at Harmless

Self harm does not discriminate. 

Neither do we.

This has always been our tag line since our service began in 2007.

Now more than ever it is pertinent that we address inequality. 

To echo The Samaritans

 ‘In the midst of a pandemic which is disproportionately impacting the Black community, the recent killings of George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and Nina Pop have propelled a collective pain so great that we must initiate change now.

Some of us have been carrying this pain for our whole lives. Others may just now be understanding the extent. Either way, the violence responsible for these tragedies is not new. Systemic racism permeates our society, creating massive institutional barriers and often fatal endings for many Black people in our country.

The field of mental and behavioral healthcare is no exception. Though many work tirelessly to fight inequity and injustice, the racial disparities in our country are real. Although we are listening and learning, we know that is not enough’.

As a suicide prevention service we pay attention to the people who need our help and in working towards enabling the system to better serve justice to our clients. Often, within an inherently prejudicial system. 

This year we have focused upon raising awareness of female suicide, an area in which we feel strongly that there is inequality for women and men alike. 

Given the LGBTQ+ elevation in risk we too stand with our LGBTQ+ friends in a call for justice and fairness at a time where trans equality is being politically undermined.

Let these factors which set us apart, unite us in one voice unified by #BLM and continue to educate ourselves about what we as individuals and as services can do better.

Self harm does not discriminate- neither do we. 

Stand with us as we endeavour to work for a mental health system that has parity of esteem and help us to continue to stand against inequality and continue to save lives.

We will be taking a closer look at inequality and discrimination in a series of articles and discussions bringing issues pertinent to our clients, to the fore.

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