Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System are part of the Zero Suicide Alliance striving to tackle the multicomplex socioeconomic issues that can lead to suicide, however, is also acutely aware of the need for effective and evidence based postvention (Suicide Bereavement) care, and as such I wanted to make you aware of this excellent opportunity to be part of this along with all of the outstanding work you do within your communities.
At Harmless we know all too well the need for better education around postvention, together we can ensure Hertfordshire, West Essex and beyond become a place where people have to tools to engage with those bereaved by suicide and those in need of postvention can reach out without fear of judgement or stigma, so with that in mind please see details of the sessions and Eventbrite booking links below:
We are Harmless, a national user-led organisation that provides a range of services about self-harm and suicide prevention specialising in training, as well as support, information and consultancy. We are pleased to say that we have been commissioned by Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System to deliver a bespoke and CPD accredited Postvention course for workers throughout Hertfordshire and West Essex.
We wanted to contact you regarding our fully funded Postvention training sessions that are taking place live online and face to face for professionals, frontline workers and volunteers in your area who are in contact with those who may be presented by those who have been bereaved by suicide. We are excited to be able to offer to your staff or volunteers a free place to attend, places are limited so please read the following:
Those attending will benefit from the following learning outcomes:
- The magnitude of suicide bereavement
- Suicide loss as a unique form of complex bereavement
- ‘Complicated grief’, trauma, and other individual responses to suicide
- The wider impact of bereavement on those exposed to or affected by suicide
- The stigma and shame associated with suicide and bereavement
- Bereavement by suicide as a unique risk factor for suicide
- Responding to those bereaved by suicide, and how we can help to support them
- Key UK strategic guidance and research on best practice in shaping services to incorporate suicide bereavement support
- Postvention: what is means and why it matters
- A local service perspective: The Tomorrow Project’s work supporting those affected
- Due to the limited places, making sure the right people are trained is essential. Only those who directly work with or will (after the training) go on to work with those bereaved by suicide.
- We can offer more than one place to organisation or services where the need to do so is clear, however please bear in mind that ideally the person trained will go onto support service users in a different locality within the County if there is no-one trained in suicide bereavement in other teams working in other areas of the County.
To enquire or book a place please contact us: