Free Suicide Intervention Training in Hertfordshire

September and World Suicide Prevention Month may be over, Octobers World Mental Health Day may be gone for another year, yet every single day someone somewhere is struggling and scared to reach out, every single day someone wants to be there and help but is unsure if they can help, or if they might say the wrong thing!

Every single day another person is lost to suicide, in fact, globally in 2019, more than 700 000 people died by suicide, that is one in every 100 deaths!

In Hertfordshire in 2018, 95 deaths where registered as suicide! These statistics are shocking to me, these statistics have shocked many into action, here in Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire County Council have commissioned Harmless CIC to act and make our patch of the country a place where we strive to meet the target of zero suicides, we can do this by training YOU, our frontline staff, professionals, faith leaders, sports coaches, Third Sector and volunteers working with those vulnerable to suicide risk in Hertfordshire.

Do you want to be part of the changes needed within our society? To have the knowledge and tools to support anyone who may come to you struggling or in a crisis, do you want to know how to talk safely and signpost appropriately? If you do, we would love to help you, the training in FREE to those who fit within the criteria.

To book on please look at our Eventbrite page (links below) register and sign yourself up for the date that suits you!

Suicide Intervention training 

Delivered via ZOOM

TARGET AUDIENCE: For frontline staff, professionals and volunteers working with those vulnerable to suicide risk in Hertfordshire

Learning outcomes:

  • Improve knowledge and understanding of suicide
  • Awareness of myths and facts surrounding suicide
  • Understand the magnitude of suicide and identify risk groups
  • Recognise risk factors and warning signs for suicide
  • Understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed risk and suicide presentation
  • Recognise the wider impact of suicide
  • Identify effective risk assessing skills
  • Build skill and confidence in responding to and supporting someone in suicidal crisis, both short and long term
  • Understand how to implement effective practical support for someone in suicide crisis
  • Recognise protective factors and their importance of recovery and support
  • Discuss how and where to signpost individuals to appropriate help


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