From Harm to Hope 2023 – Conference Theme for 2023: Keeping Access and Commitment High When Resources are Low

In 2023 we are back face to face, we have a live venue (Trent Conference Centre, Nottingham), and we cannot wait to meet, greet, and network with you all again. We do, however, understand that travelling to the venue may not be in the reach of all, so we also have the option of watching via live streaming, this coming year we really do have an option for all.

We at Harmless the national centre of excellence for Self Harm and Suicide Prevention will be leading Self Harm Awareness Day on the theme of ‘suicide prevention starts here’. In line with this day of significance, Harmless will also host our eighth national conference with a range of expert speakers on a variety of topics pertinent to the field of self harm and suicide prevention.

2022 has brought new developments in the field of self harm and suicide prevention, not least with the release of the new NICE guidelines for self harm, so please book with us to explore what these means, please do make sure to book early to avoid disappointment.

Drum roll please..

We can now share that we will have Nav Kapur as 1 of our expert speakers!

Nav is Professor of Psychiatry and Population Health at the University and an Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at the Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust, he has over 300 peer reviewed published papers. Nav is also the recipient of the 2021 International Association for Suicide Prevention Stengel Research Award for outstanding research in the field of suicidology) and the 2021 American Association of Suicidology Louis I. Dublin lifetime achievement award for suicide prevention, to name just a few of his outstanding achievements and contribution to this field.

Further expert speaker information to follow, we will of course be using our own expertise within Harmless and The Tomorrow Project, sharing what we have learnt over the years from clinical practices and our own inhouse research.

To book go to our Eventbrite page:

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