The team are tired. They have worked diligently over the past 12 months to evolve the service to meet the increasing demand and go above and beyond to support the clients who are struggling during this time of additional isolation, uncertainty, and loss of routine.
This has not been taken lightly. The team are facing the same lockdowns, the same loss of routine and distance from their friends that challenges their own clients. In response to this pressure, we are taking staff wellbeing very seriously and embarking on a staff welfare project to explore what can be put in place to support the team during these challenging times. At present some of the team are homeworking, others are in office bubbles.
Those who are in the office last week had a treat in store. Volunteers from The Inspire and Achieve Foundation have kindly fundraised and transformed a store room at our Nottingham office to become a wellbeing room. The space will provide much needed space for the team to eat the lunch, get away from their desks and decompress if they are feeling stressed.
A massive thank you to the volunteers for undertaking the project and we hope that over the coming months as more team members return to the office, they will be able to enjoy the space.