If thoughts of suicide are overwhelming you, know that you are not alone. Harmless offers a dedicated range of integrated suicide support services including a crisis pathway designed to provide immediate help and support.
What to Expect from Harmless
Understanding Your Needs
When you reach out, we start with a brief assessment to identify the best way to help you. Everything you share with us is confidential unless you are in immediate harm.
Evidence-Based Support
We use proven, effective interventions for what you’re experiencing right now.
Tailored Help
Wherever and however you refer to us, we will place you within the most effective service for your current needs.
A Dedicated Worker
You’ll be connected with someone trained and equipped to support you through this crisis.
Addressing the Root Causes
Together, we’ll explore what’s driving your distress and develop strategies to overcome it.
Long-Term Solutions
If needed, we’ll discuss further support options and help you access the right resources for your ongoing recovery.
We Are Here For You
Our services are shaped by those with lived experience, ensuring we provide compassion and quality alongside practical support. If you’re struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ll work tirelessly to help you find the right help.
Contact Us
You can make a referral to us either for yourself or on behalf of someone else here. Alternatively, you can call us on 0115 880 0280 or email support@harmless.org.uk. Our office is open Monday – Friday 9am–5.30pm.
Out of Hours Support
Our Out of Hours service operates every Thursday evening between 6pm–11pm and is available to anyone in Nottinghamshire or Leicestershire who at risk of self harm or struggling with suicidal thoughts or crisis. You can complete a referral form here. If a client is unable to complete the form, they can either call or text 07925 579 516 during the service’s opening hours.
Need Help Now?
• If you need support immediately, you can call the Samaritans on 116 123 for 24/7 listening support.
• Alternatively, text SHOUT to 85258 for 24/7 text message support.
• You can also create an individualised safety plan here: https://yoursafetycomesfirst.co.uk/
• If you need urgent mental health support, call NHS 111 and select Option 2.
• If you are in an emergency and need immediate help, please contact the emergency services on 999.

Gambling & Suicide: A Deadly Cocktail
By Caroline Harroe (Harmless CEO) Ever had that sinking feeling when you’ve lost a bet? Now imagine that feeling multiplied