It’s Safe to Talk about Suicide

I wanted to share a useful resource developed at the University of Exeter Medical School in collaboration with the Alliance of Suicide Prevention Charities (TASC). This document has been adopted by the Nottinghamshire Suicide Prevention Steering Group, and is now being used around Nottinghamshire to share evidence-based information to raise awareness in the general population that it is safe to have a conversation about suicide when you’re worried about someone. If you would like to view a copy of this document visit the following URL-

This short leaflet provides vital guidance on what you could say or do if you’re worried someone may be thinking about suicide. It covers four key areas:

  1. Sometimes we may get a gut feeling when something doesn’t look or feel right about an individual. We may be concerned that they could be thinking about suicide. This document will help you identify warning signs that someone may be contemplating suicide.
  2. The safest way to know if someone is thinking about suicide is to ask them. Often an individual with thoughts of suicide needs someone to start the conversation as they may be cut off from everyone around them or maybe they are desperate for help but afraid to ask, or don’t know who to turn to. By asking the question, we giving an individual permission to talk about it, letting them know they do not have to fight these thoughts alone. This document covers why it’s important to ask, and challenges common fears about asking.
  3. Talking about suicide. This can be a tricky and scary conversation to start. If you’re worried about how to approach the conversation, this document covers what to say
  4. The document also covers signposting and what to do next. There are a range of suggestions of different kinds of support available to those thinking about suicide. It’s important that we try all avenues and don’t give up.

I hope you find this document useful.

~ Leanne

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