It’s getting to that time of year where summer is slowly fading, the days are getting slightly more grey and we can feel Autumn coming. Whilst this time of year offers a lot of exciting things such as Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas! This period can also be a hard time to adjust, our bodies begin to notice the lack of benefits from the sun and the warmth.

So let us take time to process this period. Some days we may feel more blue than others and that’s ok. It’s also ok not to be excited for what this time of the year brings either. But it is important to fill it with things we find comfort and joy from.

It’s also important to acknowledge as the sun begins to crawl away we may notice the cold a little more and this can stimulate our anxiety and fear about the cost of living during the times to come. This is where we need to emphasise and prioritise our self care. During these unprecedented times, one thing we can control is how kind we are to ourselves, how we provide ourselves with comfort and care.

What does is even mean to be kind to yourself you say? Well if you were asked what are some of the things you love, how long would it take you say yourself? Self-love and compassion is a crucial step to positive growth and becoming strong minded. Maybe take 10 minutes of today to be kind to yourself, whatever this may look like. For me, being kind to myself for 10 minutes would be making myself a nice cup of tea with 3 biscuits and sitting outside with my dog watching him smell the same plant for the 78th time. It may be simple but this shows it doesn’t need to be something major.

So be kind to yourself today and if you’re feeling nervous about the times to come, you are not alone and we will get through this together.

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