Positive escapism and coping mechanisms 

For a while now it seems like everything is about COVID-19. It’s still the main topic in the news and the thing everyone is talking about. So it’s very easy to be so focused on COVID-19 and worrying for our loved ones physical health and our own physical health, that we may not be focusing on our mental health or our loved ones mental health.


The truth is that this virus is having a large impact on our mental health, we no longer get to socialise like we did before, were left feeling isolated and trapped and it’s a horrible feeling. A feeling that some people have known from before this.


Think about the people who felt like that before this virus, and imagine how much worse they must be feeling now. Please check up on your loved ones who struggle with their mental health during this pandemic, but also after. Remember how you felt in this moment and how you coped with feelings of isolation and anxiety and show understanding and compassion.


We need that human connection and so a lot of people are coping by FaceTiming family members or friends or even stopping by their houses from a distance on their daily exercise or helping out those who are vulnerable, and I hope we can carry that on after all this. If you look at this pandemic from afar you can see it has brought out a kindness in people, stronger communities and more family bonding. I hope that those are things we can carry on after all this, and that we will have more appreciation for one another. These ways of coping may be temporary for some people but for others they’ll still need those coping mechanisms after the pandemic has passed.



Suicide Bereavement Support Officer

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