It is with great excitement I will be taking the plunge and shaving my head to raise lifesaving funds for Harmless.

I joined the Harmless family a little over 6 years ago. For those of you that know me, working in the field of self harm and suicide prevention is a devoted passion of mine. Over the course of my life, I have experienced my own journey with adversity and I have worked hard, with the right supports, to thrive.

Recently, with the new arrival of my daughter and the unexpected arrival of the pandemic, life has been harder. Like so many of us, I have experienced isolation, loneliness and a form of bereavement for moments I will never have. I have felt the impact both mentally and physically, especially with the onset of an autoimmune condition, alopecia areata (hair loss).

Whilst it has been a difficult time, I couldn’t help but stop and note the amazing support I have around me. People and professionals who have and are helping me to get through this. Reflecting on this I became aware of those who may be experiencing similar difficulties, who don’t have the supports I have. Who may even be questioning their very existence!

With that in mind I have set out to take my turmoil and make a positive change. So please join me in raising lifesaving funds for Harmless, the National Centre of Excellence for Self harm and Suicide Prevention.

Let us collectively work together to make a difference, to change the story for others. If you can donate or even circulate my fundraiser, I will be eternally grateful.

Let’s let those in distress know they matter.

You can follow my journey on Instagram: @sarahletstalk 

Head shave date: 03/12/2021

You can donate to my Localgiving page here.

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