Suicide crisis text service open

With an estimated 1 in 20 people contemplating suicide every year, thoughts of suicide occur more often then we might like to believe. Suicide attempts are at least 40 times more common than deaths by suicide, and services are struggling to meet the need well or to be in the right place at the right time. With 1 in 6 individuals experiencing a common mental health condition in the last week, and that rising to 1 in 4 over a life time, never before has it been so critical that we respond to this need.

At the Tomorrow Project, we already provide 1-1 emotional and practical support to people who are in suicide crisis in Nottinghamshire. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we have seen a 200% increase in referrals to our services, and we have continued to provide telephone, Zoom, and when necessary face-to-face support for people of all ages in suicide crisis.

But we know that sometimes it’s too hard to speak over the phone. This is why we have created this suicide crisis text service, so we can listen and support you when talking is too hard.

The text number is 0780 000 2606 📱

Adults can start the conversation by texting the word ‘HOPE’, and children can start the conversation by texting the word ‘LISTEN’. 

Our opening hours are:

  • Mondays 13:00-16:00
  • Wednesdays 15:00-19:00
  • Fridays 13:00-15:00

We will believe things can get better for you until you can too. Help is only a text away.

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