FREE Suicide Intervention training for Nottinghamshire

We’re offering free CPD accredited live online training for third sector organisations (also F2 Doctors) in Nottinghamshire, it’s funded by Notts. County Council. More details below:

Suicide Intervention training

– online via Zoom FREE for third Sector workers in Nottinghamshire

  • Improve knowledge and understanding of suicide
  • Awareness of myths and facts surrounding suicide
  • Recognise risk factors and warning signs for suicide
  • Develop an understanding of suicide and stigma
  • Recognise the wider impact of suicide
  • Identify effective risk assessing skills
  • Build skill and confidence in responding to and supporting someone in suicidal crisis
  • Recognise the importance of recovery and support, including ways of maintaining mental wellbeing
  • Discuss signposting individuals to appropriate, professional help


Tuesday 20th April 2021, 09:30-15:30

Tuesday 4th May 2021, 09:30-15:30

Please do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions at all, we’d be more than happy to help.

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