Text Support Service

You may have seen that we have launched a new suicide crisis text service. This service was created directly from the needs of our clients and aims to be there as an additional source of support for those in need.

Who is the text service for?
Anyone of any age in suicide crisis, living in Nottingham City or County. You do not have to be current clients of the Tomorrow Project, or its associated services.

Purpose of the text service:
The purpose of the primary care, text message support service is to offer support to individuals of all ages in suicide crisis. The support will consist of emotional and practical support, signposting, and referrals if necessary.

How can the text conversation be started?
Conversations can be started by texting a keyword to 0780 000 2606. For adults, the keyword is ‘HOPE’, and for under 18’s the keyword is ‘LISTEN’.

Conversations can be started in other ways and these keywords are just a suggestion.

Response Times/Opening Hours:
We are not an instant service. We will reply within 1 working day, and the text service’s working days are Monday, Wednesday & Friday currently.

Our current opening hours are:
Mondays 13:00-16:00
Wednesdays 15:00-19:00
Fridays 13:00-16:00

Admin and Enquiries:
We have an email address specifically for the text service admin and enquiries. The email address is crisistext@tomorrowproject.org.uk, feel free to email us if you have any questions.

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