Welcome to our new website!

For many organisations in the third sector it can be a battle to deliver the services that we so desperately need; to engage in policy activity, update our communications and make sure that we are on top of everything.

For us, these competing demands have meant that our website hasn’t been updated for a while. For me, as CEO, this has been a bone of contention for a while. I have so wanted a product that demonstrates all that we are, or at least attempts to.

Without that it’s left people wondering what our stance is on certain issues, what help we provide and how people can benefit from working with us and how to refer in for help.

That’s no longer the case, and our new site should be able to help whether you’re wanting to know what training you can benefit from; what services we offer and how to refer or how to organise a chat with us for help and support, or for service and strategy consultation, take a look.

Harmless is a national service. Our aim is to develop thinking and understanding around the issue of self harm in all age groups. We deliver frontline services with a high degree of measurable impact and use our understanding to deliver training that performs against the Health Education England Framework. We work at a policy and academic level to ensure that we are part of the continuous drive forwards; always open to collaboration and partnerships if it enables us to reach and help more individuals, carers included.

At the heart of our service is the belief that everyone can be helped and that those with lived experience are a critical and valuable part of our endeavour.

Featuring illustrations and film you can use the website as a communication tool, access our resource hub and share it to advance learning and understanding, book on training or to get to know our services and our team.

Whatever your needs please take a look around and share widely- give us your feedback and let us know what you’d like to see next from us.

In the meantime I will sign a very small and very personal sigh of relief as I let the website do it’s thing and feel confident it more comprehensively represents me, our ethos, our services and our fantastic team.

If you’d like to know more about us and what we can offer in your area then drop me a line.

With regards,

Caroline, CEO

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