Why our e-learning is so important

For our services, training and education are absolutely vital. Why? Because we can enhance knowledge, understanding and confidence for absolutely anybody interested in being better equipped to respond to issues around mental health, self harm and suicide. Why else? Because we can generate income to sustain and grow our life-saving clinical support services.

For our training team, 2020 was a huge year. We began delivering remote training from our homes, we continued to innovate and problem-solve, AND we launched our incredible e-portal.

We could spend all day telling you that our courses are useful, but we’d prefer you to hear it from the people who matter the most. Our delegates. We recently received a lovely testimonial from Kirsten at Kent SEND Support which we wanted to share with you all.

If you’d like to take part in one of our e-learning courses, visit us:


If you’d like to know anything else about our bespoke e-learning, face to face or remote training opportunities – give us a shout! Email the team at training@harmless.org.uk or fill in the contact form on the website harmless.org.uk.

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