At Harmless and the Tomorrow Project, we continuously review our services to improve our clinical offer to ensure we best meet the needs of those who access our services both now and in the future. As part of a 12-month pilot, commissioned through Wave 4 Suicide Prevention Funding, we would like to invite you to answer this short questionnaire to help shape the support available, specifically, provision for men and older boys at risk of suicide crisis. We aim to identify any barriers and explore successes faced when men and older boys when they need support.

We currently have two consultations; one is aimed at professionals working with men and older boys and the other is aimed at men and older boys themselves. The links can be found below:

Professionals’ consultation:

Men and older boys’ consultation:

The consultations are anonymous and only Harmless will be able to see your responses. The data we collect and evaluate will be used anonymously to give us insight into how we can best meet the needs of men and older boys.

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