Throughout 2021, Harmless, The Tomorrow Project & The Let’s Talk Training teams have delivered vital services to support those in need and to assist those who support those in need. Here is a summary of our 2021 in numbers…
Self Harm Support Services
Our self harm support services in Nottinghamshire saw 508 referrals during 2021, while in Leicestershire there were 197 referrals.
Crisis Support Services
Our crisis team have completed 1,570 sessions (not including December). Additionally, our Sanctuary team helped 367 people who have contacted us since its launch. In 2021, our innovative text service received 63 referrals for support.
Suicide Bereavement Support Services
Our wonderful bereavement team had 657 new referrals across the East Midlands and beyond. Additionally, they contacted approx. 650 people who accessed our service in 2020 to follow-up and check-in on the anniversary of a bereavement.
Let’s Talk Training