Carers: We are here for you too.

Harmless and the Tomorrow Project provide support to people who self-harm, who are in suicide crisis, or are bereaved by suicide. We very often advertise the different types of support that we offer for these people, such as 1-1 sessions, text services, group support, out-of-hours support, and more.

But what is lesser known about our services, is that we also offer support for carers, friends, family, and other loved ones too.

It is so painful to care for someone struggling with their mental health. The desire to help the person you love, to offer them comfort and reassurance, and to fix everything they’re going through, can be so strong that it can physically hurt. And the helplessness that comes with not being able to take their pain away, can hurt even more.

We understand how much you want to prioritise the person you care about, but we want to reassure you that your needs matter too. You deserve to be asked how you are, and to have someone to listen. You deserve to have a safe space to talk, to be able to open up to someone who understands and will not judge you. You deserve to learn coping strategies for yourself, to strengthen your resilience during this really difficult time, and have a healthy place to process everything that you and your loved one are going through.

You are just as open to our services as they are, and we are here for you. Please reach out to us.

Suicide Crisis:
Suicide Bereavement:

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