Exploring the Facilitators, Constraints and Barriers to Suicide Prevention in Primary and Secondary Healthcare Settings

Primary/Secondary Care Mental Health Staff – We need you!

The University of Nottingham and Harmless are conducting research into suicide prevention in primary and secondary healthcare settings.

We are inviting professionals who may often deal with vulnerable patients who self-harm or are at risk of suicide, to share their insights and experiences in a short and anonymous online survey.

What are we asking participants to do?

We are inviting frontline staff, and researchers in this field, to complete an online survey, which takes no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey explores facilitators, constraints and barriers to effective suicide prevention in primary and secondary healthcare settings. All answers are completely anonymous and participants will not be identifiable.

What is the purpose of this study?

We are seeking to identify barriers to effective suicide prevention in primary and secondary healthcare settings, in order to inform future research and ultimately deliver best practice guidelines for frontline professionals. This research has been identified as a research priority.

Can you help to ensure that the guidelines we deliver are informed by the staff who will use them?

To find out more and take part in the survey please visit:


Thank you

Researcher: Laura Chadwick (lpylcc@nottingham.ac.uk)

Supervisor: Joanna Lockwood (Joanna.lockwood@nottingham.ac.uk)

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