Important research re: suicide prevention on healthcare settings. Take part

The University of Nottingham and Harmless are inviting professionals to participate in a study exploring effective suicide prevention in primary and secondary healthcare settings.

We are inviting staff, as well as academics and researchers who work in this field, to complete a short survey which will help us to understand the facilitators, constraints and barriers experienced by staff across various primary and secondary settings. 

Our aim is to identify current issues with implementing best practice guidelines for suicide prevention in primary and secondary settings and how this varies across different agencies (e.g. community mental health teams, GPs, crisis teams). It is hoped that this research will help to inform and provide recommendations towards best practice guidelines for frontline staff in local settings. This research will form part of a research project for the MSc in Mental Health: Research and Practice at the University of Nottingham and has ethical approval from the University of Nottingham Division of Psychiatry & Applied Psychology Ethics Committee (Ethics reference number: 1514).

If you are interested in finding out more about this research, and taking part in our short survey, please click on the following link: The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

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