Briony- Introductory blog
Hello! My name is Briony and I am one of the Suicide Bereavement Clinical Support Workers here at The Tomorrow Project. I joined this pathway at the end of November 2021 but have worked at Harmless since August on the Out of Hours support service, a service I still work on one day a week. I work primarily in our Chesterfield office, offering support to those bereaved by suicide across Derbyshire, but I also can be found in our East Leake and Nottingham offices.
I have a BSc (Hons) in Psychology and have an MSc in Mental Health: Research and Practice. My Master’s dissertation included working with members of the WHO looking at their QualityRights initiative, and I am currently working on publishing my paper on pre-QualityRights training attitudes!
I was amazed, and still am, at the brilliant and life-saving work Harmless and The Tomorrow Project do across all pathways. The dedication and passion of the teams across the organisation is outstanding, and we are all so supportive of one-another here, it’s a proper work family.
In my spare time, I love watching football! I grew up supporting Liverpool, but being from Dorset, wanted a team I could see regularly, so have also supported Southampton most of my life. It certainly makes for some interesting seasons at each end of the table! I also enjoy listening to music and True Crime podcasts, watching TV, reading, and doing puzzles.

Gambling & Suicide: A Deadly Cocktail
By Caroline Harroe (Harmless CEO) Ever had that sinking feeling when you’ve lost a bet? Now imagine that feeling multiplied