Exciting news: we are launching a suicide crisis text service in Lincolnshire! This is a brand new service which is funded by Lincolnshire Shine. This service is launching on Wednesday 2nd March. It would be so wonderful to have clients knows about the service and text for support from our very first day opening, so please do share with anyone in Lincs. who may want to know about this new service! Who is it for? People aged 18+ in Lincolnshire, having thoughts of suicide. Open to all genders. Opening hours: Wednesdays 5pm-7pm on a weekly basis. Phone number: 07800 140 818. We aren’t using the words HOPE/LISTEN anymore, clients can text us whatever they like. Support that we provide: 1-1 text service support. Emotional and practical support for anyone in suicide crisis or having thoughts of suicide. Listening support for when talking on the phone feels too hard. |