My role as a placement student for Harmless and The Tomorrow Project.

Hello, my name is Katie and similar to Charlotte, who you met last week, I am a student who is currently on my placement year here at Harmless and The Tomorrow Project! This 12-month Internship is part of my Psychology with Criminology degree, at Nottingham Trent University.

My job consists of two separate but complimentary roles. As part of my role, I work as Clinical Administration Officer, where I partake in everyday admin tasks to ensure the organisation runs smoothly and to the highest quality. The other side to my role, I work as Clinical Support Worker for the Harmless Out of Hours Service, where I provide emotional and practical support to those who are experiencing distress related to self-harm or suicidality.

My time here at Harmless and The Tomorrow Project has been highly focused on gaining clinical and professional experience. Developing my knowledge on not only self-harm and suicide, but other mental health difficulties.

I have been welcomed so warmly into the team and I always feel valued as an individual, as well as an employee. I am excited to be going into my final year as I have gained vital skills, experience, and knowledge which I can incorporate to the remainder of my degree.

The year has been challenging, but having the opportunity to develop as an individual whilst helping others, is something which is without a doubt, a unique and vital experience which I will never forget.

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