Media Guidance

The way that we communicate about self harm, suicide and mental health in general is an important factor in helping to improve the circumstances of those struggling with these issues.

Harmless considers it our social and ethical responsibility to create dialogue in the public domain about emotional health and wellbeing. We always follow the media guidance outlined by Samaritans when undertaking any media project.

We have a presence on social media and work with mainstream media to create insightful stories in both written format or via audio visual products to develop public awareness and give voice to those who are struggling. You can find us and follow us on various platforms and we are always looking for people to get involved.

You can help us spread the word by following our various channels and by sharing our work – by doing so you are supporting us to reach people who need us, either for help or support, or for training.

For press enquiries please contact us directly on 0115 880 0280 or email Wherever possible, we will engage in media projects with the right aims.

Please be familiar with the media guidance prior to making a request for us to work with you.