A successful Celebration Event

On Saturday 25 September almost 100 people gathered to celebrate Harmless. It was a very special evening of food, games and music. Most importantly we took the time to acknowledge the successes of the last 18 months. We were inspired by client, Brooke’s recovery story: We also raised £2,000 from the evening, both from ticket […]

What is a lovelock scarf?

The lovelock scarf is a knitting pattern designed by Claire Mountain-Manipon in memory of her friend Ciera, who has lost to suicide in November 2016. All the proceeds from this knitting pattern on www.sistermountain.com are donated to Harmless. This initiative has raised over £880 for Harmless since 2017. Claire hopes that the locklock scarf will […]

A big thank you to the Province of Nottinghamshire Freemasons COVID support fund!

Last week, the Province of Nottinghamshire Freemasons awarded Harmless £1,000 from the Covid-19 relief funds.  This money supports us to continue our vital work supporting those at risk of self-harm, suicide crisis and those affected by suicide bereavement. Trevor Harris met with Katie, our suicide crisis service manager, to hand over the cheque… socially distanced […]

Could you help us to better support our clients?

If you have been bereaved by suicide, could you please complete this brief survey? In this survey we are trying to understand how Covid-19 has impacted those bereaved by suicide.  It is so important that we understand the implication on different groups of people during this difficult time if we are to ensure that services […]