Sometimes we can forget that it’s so important to ensure that we find time in our schedule to just sit down and take a few moments to ourselves, to simply be present. Our staff work hard and sometimes, just like everyone else, we need to take a moment to to just sit, have a cup of tea and reflect.

As well as finding the time to do this, it’s important to have a place that makes this possible. That’s why we have our very own ‘Wellbeing Room’ in our office that provides us a separate place to go, relax and have some quiet time.

We are so excited then, to have received a donation of very comfy office seats to refresh our ‘Wellbeing Room’; kindly donated from Dance Alliance dance school in Arnold! They were moving offices and generously donated their spare chairs. Now we can use these seats as well as the odd beanbag, to sit and chat at lunch or to just sit and enjoy some mindfulness within our work day.

Here are Katie and Charlotte; two of our Clinical Support Workers, enjoying our new chairs in the office today!

Why not have a think about the places you feel safe or relaxed that you like to go to to take a seat and smile and tell us about them!

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