You’re Invited! Party with us in celebration of 15 years of saving lives!

Have your bought your ticket?

Imagine it; dressing up fancy, a delicious 3-course meal, you and your friends on the dancefloor jamming to live music, you win an epic raffle prize and the buzz of the auction is getting you hyped!

Well you don’t have to imagine! Our Celebration Event is here!

You don’t have to be a professional or involved in the field of mental health to attend, just a heart that wants to see lives changed for the better!

The evening consists of a 3-course meal, raffle , silent auction and reflections from our team on what we have achieved over this past year (and the 14 years prior to that)!

Join us for an evening of food, fun and fundraising as we celebrate 15 years of Harmless and The Tomorrow Project’s life-saving work!

When? 1st October 2022

Where? Ruddington Grange Golf Club: Wilford Rd, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6NB

Time? 6pm – 12pm

Ge your ticket here!

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