Harmless has been commissioned as part of the Wave 4 Suicide Prevention programme to deliver fully funded, self harm and suicide prevention training.
Through these bespoke training sessions designed for professionals from various sectors and organisations, our training will equip and empower you to make a real difference in the lives of individuals who may be struggling with self harm and suicidal thoughts by providing you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively identify and support individuals at risk
To find out more or to register your interest, visit our Eventbrite page here
Training Learning Outcomes
Suicide Bereavement Training
Suicide bereavement training for funeral directors, bereavement counsellors and bereavement support services across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
- Understand the magnitude of suicide bereavement
- Recognise suicide bereavement as a unique risk factor for suicide crisis
- Identify the stigma and shame associated with suicide and bereavement and the impact this can have
- Improve knowledge of suicide loss as a unique form of complex bereavement
- Explore ‘Complicated grief’, trauma, and other individual responses to suicide
- Understand the wider impact of suicide bereavement on those exposed to or affected by suicide including professionals
- Consider what to do as professionals working with those bereaved by suicide to understand risk and consider safety
Relationship Breakdown Suicide Training
For those who work alongside or support those affected by a breakdown in a relationship. eg. family law, divorce solicitors, family liason officers and relationship counsellors across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
- Improve knowledge and understanding of suicide
- Be aware of the myths and facts around suicide
- Develop an understanding of suicide and stigma
- Recognise specific risk factors for suicide with a focus on relationship breakdown
- Identify effective risk assessing skills
- Consider what to do as professionals working with people who may be in crisis
- Develop skills, confidence and knowledge to provide initial support to someone in crisis
- Discuss signposting individuals to appropriate, professional help
Children & Young People Self Harm Training
Training for services, voluntary groups and community groups working with children and young people (under 25 Years) at risk of self harm across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
- Improve awareness of the contextual issues surrounding self harm for young people
- Consider ways to reduce stigma and discrimination
- Understand ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and their relationship to self harm
- Understand warning signs and symptoms of self harm
- Understand how to effectively respond to children and young people who are using self harm
- Establish evidence-based brief interventions and safety plans
- Understand the importance of recovery
- Enhance confidence, working practice, knowledge and skills