My life before seemed hopeless. I was self harming and frequently suicidal. Harmless is special because I’ve had counselling and therapy in the past and I’ve never felt so listened to. I don’t know where I’d be without Harmless

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Alternatively, please get in touch using the details below.

Tel: 0115 880 0280

About Suicide: Myths vs Reality

Leading the way in specialist suicide crisis support.

Myth: ‘Talking about suicide gives people ideas and encourages suicide’.
Reality: Evidence shows that talking about suicide will not put the idea in someone’s mind. If someone has already considered suicide then talking about it may be a relief, and is likely to be the first step to getting help. Open and honest conversations actively prevent suicide.

Myth: ‘People who talk about suicide don’t actually go through with it’.
Reality: Sometimes people are very direct, saying things like ‘I want to kill myself’. However, some people may say things such as “there’s no point to my life”, or “I just can’t cope for any longer”.  Regardless of how they talk about ending their life, it shows that they are thinking about it and letting others know how low they feel. This does not mean that they will not go through with it – they need help and support.

Myth: ‘You can tell who is likely to feel suicidal from their clothes, hairstyle, music they listen to’.
Reality: There is not a ‘type’ of person who feels suicidal. Many people have suicidal thoughts at some point in their life, from all walks of life. It is important not to make judgements about who is affected by suicide; it can affect anyone at any time.

Myth: ‘Only crazy people think about suicide’.
Reality: The word ‘crazy’ is very stigmatising and dehumanising for people who experience mental health difficulties. People thinking about suicide may feel desperate, distressed, angry, and exhausted but this does not mean they are ‘crazy’.

Why Do People Feel Suicidal?

There can be any number of reasons why someone might feel suicidal, and often it can be a mixture of different things. Some reasons could include:

  • A relationship ending
  • Death of someone close
  • Feeling overwhelmed and depressed
  • Worry about practical difficulties, including finances or unemployment
  • Illness or injury
  • Being bullied or harassed


But some people don’t know why they are feeling suicidal, and this can be a frightening experience. At The Tomorrow Project, we do not expect our clients to know exactly why they’re feeling the way that they do. Whatever the reasons for feeling suicidal, there is help available. Even if things seem desperate and it doesn’t feel like there is any other option, there is always another way.


There is help available, no matter what the reasons behind feeling suicidal might be. Even if things seem desperate and it does not feel like there is any other option, there is always another way.

My life before seemed hopeless. I was self harming and frequently suicidal. Harmless is special because I’ve had counselling and therapy in the past and I’ve never felt so listened to. I don’t know where I’d be without Harmless

You can make a referral into the service click here

Alternatively, please get in touch using the details below.

Tel: 0115 880 0280